Prepos App For Mac


This page is the start­ing point for those who want to (a) down­load LSTC soft­ware prod­ucts for the first time, or (b) up­grade their ex­ist­ing in­stal­la­tions.

Table of Contents

  1. Soft­ware Prod­ucts and Doc­u­men­ta­tion
    Con­tains a brief de­scrip­tion of the main LSTC soft­ware prod­ucts, with links to down­load pages for in­di­vid­ual prod­ucts. The in­di­vid­ual down­load pages con­tain in­stal­la­tion notes, and oth­er in­for­ma­tion about sup­port­ed plat­forms.
  2. Prod­uct Li­cens­ing (Net­work and Node-Locked)
    Con­tains a brief overview of li­cens­ing, in­clud­ing the dif­fer­ence be­tween node-locked and net­work li­cens­es. There are links to in­for­ma­tion about:
    • How to re­quest a li­cense from LSTC
    • How to in­stall or up­grade net­work/­node-locked li­cens­es
  3. Con­fig­ur­ing LS-DY­NA to Ac­cess Li­cens­es
    De­scribes how to con­fig­ure LS-DY­NA to ac­cess net­work and/­or node-locked li­cens­es.

1. Software Products and Documentation

LS-Pre­Post is an ad­vanced pre and post-proces­sor that is de­liv­ered free with LS-DY­NA. The user in­ter­face is de­signed to be both ef­fi­cient and in­tu­itive.

These are the LSTC soft­ware prod­ucts and doc­u­men­ta­tion avail­able for down­load from this site.

  • LSTC Man­u­als : old and new man­u­als can be down­loaded from this page.
  • LS-DY­NA for Unix/­Lin­ux/­So­laris : a gen­er­al pur­pose tran­sient dy­nam­ic fi­nite el­e­ment pro­gram (fol­low this link to down­load LS-DY­NA com­mand-line ex­e­cuta­bles for Lin­ux/­Unix/­So­laris/­Mi­crosoft Win­dows)
  • LSTC Win­Suite : a com­plete so­lu­tion for the Mi­crosoft Win­dows plat­form
  • LS-DY­NA for Mi­crosoft Win­dows : a gen­er­al pur­pose tran­sient dy­nam­ic fi­nite el­e­ment pro­gram (fol­low this link to down­load LS-DY­NA com­mand-line ex­e­cuta­bles for Mi­crosoft Win­dows)
  • LSTC Bar­ri­er, Dum­my, and Tire Mod­els : bar­ri­er, dum­my, and tire mod­els pro­vid­ed at no charge to LS-DY­NA cus­tomers
  • LS-Pre­Post : an ad­vanced in­ter­ac­tive pro­gram for prepar­ing in­put da­ta for LS-DY­NA and pro­cess­ing re­sults from LS-DY­NA analy­ses.
  • LS-OPT : a stand­alone De­sign Op­ti­miza­tion and Prob­a­bilis­tic Analy­sis pack­age with an in­ter­face to LS-DY­NA.
  • LS-TaSC : (Topol­o­gy and Shape Com­pu­ta­tion) a tool for the topol­o­gy op­ti­miza­tion of non-lin­ear prob­lems in­volv­ing dy­nam­ic loads and con­tact con­di­tions.

Each of these com­po­nents must be down­loaded and in­stalled sep­a­rate­ly. LSTC pro­vides high­ly-op­ti­mized ver­sions of LS-DY­NA, tuned for a large va­ri­ety of hard­ware and op­er­at­ing sys­tems. For this rea­son, many builds of LS-DY­NA func­tion cor­rect­ly on­ly for a nar­row range of hard­ware and OS. So it is crit­i­cal­ly im­por­tant that users down­load a build of LS-DY­NA which most close­ly match­es their own hard­ware/­OS com­bi­na­tion.

2. Product Licensing (Network and Node-Locked)

LS-DY­NA is li­censed ac­cord­ing to how many cores on which the soft­ware may run at once. For ex­am­ple, an 8-core li­cense al­lows any of the fol­low­ing sce­nar­ios (and more):

  • The user runs one job in par­al­lel on 8 cores;
  • The user runs two jobs in par­al­lel on 4 cores each;
  • The user runs up to 8 jobs on a sin­gle core.
Prepos app for mac os

Prepos App For Mac Windows 10

Li­cens­ing schemes for LS-DY­NA:

  1. Node-Locked Li­cense
    Per­mits the use of LS-DY­NA on a sin­gle ma­chine on­ly (or on a lim­it­ed num­ber of ma­chines).
  2. Net­work Li­cense
    Per­mits the use of LS-DY­NA on all sup­port­ed plat­forms, up to a to­tal num­ber of li­censed cores. The LSTC Li­cense Serv­er must be run on a Unix, Lin­ux, So­laris, or Mi­crosoft Win­dows ma­chine. All ver­sions of LS-DY­NA con­nect through the lo­cal net­work to the LSTC Li­cense Serv­er in or­der to ob­tain per­mis­sion to run. When the max­i­mum num­ber of li­cens­es is ex­ceed­ed, LS-DY­NA is ei­ther placed in a queue to wait for the first avail­able li­cense, or LS-DY­NA ex­its ac­cord­ing to the user's pref­er­ence.

LS-Pre­Post, LS-OPT, and LS-TaSC do not re­quire run­time li­cens­es for use by LSTC cus­tomers. All LSTC cus­tomers may down­load, in­stall, and run these pro­grams with­out charge. No li­cense key is re­quired. These prod­ucts are ac­tive­ly de­vel­oped and main­tained by LSTC.

License HOWTO Documents

  1. In­stall a New Net­work Li­cense
    Unix/­Lin­ux/­So­laris /­ Mi­crosoft Win­dows
  2. Up­grade Net­work Li­cens­es and/­or Li­cense Man­ag­er Soft­ware
    Unix/­Lin­ux/­So­laris /­ Mi­crosoft Win­dows.
  3. In­stall a New Node-Locked Li­cense
  4. Up­grade A Node-Locked Li­cense:
    Up­grad­ing a node-locked li­cense is as sim­ple as re­plac­ing the ex­ist­ing li­cense file LSTC_­FILE. You must ob­tain the up­dat­ed li­cense file from LSTC. There is no sep­a­rate doc­u­ment for this. If you can­not find this file, then con­sult Sec­tion 3 be­low for more in­for­ma­tion about how LS-DY­NA finds LSTC_­FILE.

3. Configuring LS-DYNA to Access Licenses

Accessing Network Licenses under Unix/Linux/Solaris

En­vi­ron­ment Vari­able Set­tings

LS-DY­NA can ob­tain a net­work li­cense from an LSTC Li­cense Serv­er us­ing en­vi­ron­ment vari­ables. En­vi­ron­ment vari­ables are spec­i­fied in dif­fer­ent ways, de­pend­ing on the user lo­gon shell:

To use a net­work li­cense on­ly, set the en­vi­ron­ment vari­able LSTC_­LI­CENSE to 'net­work'

Prepo App For Mac

You must al­so spec­i­fy the host or IP ad­dress of the ma­chine where the li­cense serv­er is run­ning us­ing the LSTC_­LI­CENSE_­SERV­ER en­vi­ron­ment vari­able. The prop­er set­ting of this vari­able de­pends on whether or not you are us­ing the de­fault port for the li­cense serv­er, and whether you are us­ing a sin­gle li­cense serv­er, or a re­dun­dant tri­ad serv­er.

Sin­gle quotes are re­quired for re­dun­dant servers in or­der to avoid mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tion of paren­the­ses. There are oth­er meth­ods for spec­i­fy­ing the li­cense serv­er, but set­ting these en­vi­ron­ment vari­ables over­rides all oth­er meth­ods.

LSTC_­FILE Li­cense File Di­rec­tives

LS-DY­NA can read serv­er in­for­ma­tion from a file named LSTC_­FILE. The best way to do this is to cre­ate/­ed­it a file named LSTC_­FILE in the same di­rec­to­ry as the LS-DY­NA ex­e­cutable. Add these lines to LSTC_­FILE

Prepos App For Mac Os

DO NOT en­close host_­or_­ip with sin­gle quotes. As in the case of EN­VI­RON­MENT VARI­ABLES (above), there are four pos­si­ble ways to spec­i­fy '#LI­CENSE_­SERVER'. The '#' char­ac­ter must ap­pear in the first col­umn of the line, with no space be­tween '#' and LI­CENSE_­TYPE or LI­CENSE_­SERV­ER. The ef­fect of these lines is the same as set­ting the en­vi­ron­ment vari­ables

Keep in mind that you can over­ride any set­tings found in LSTC_­FILE by di­rect­ly set­ting the en­vi­ron­ment vari­ables LSTC_­LI­CENSE and LSTC_­LI­CENSE_­SERV­ER. This is use­ful to know in cas­es where LSTC_­FILE con­tains in­cor­rect in­for­ma­tion, but you can­not change the file be­cause of per­mis­sion is­sues.


WARN­ING: Some text ed­i­tors do not au­to­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ate files with com­plete lines. Use 'vi LSTC_­FILE' to check this. If you see [noe­ol] at the bot­tom of the vi win­dow, then there is no fi­nal end-of-line char­ac­ter in the file. If that hap­pens, then type ':wq' in vi to write the file and quit. Vi will add the prop­er eol char­ac­ter.

NOTE: If LSTC_­FILE is found in '/­usr/­lo­cal/­lstc', then that file will be used in­stead, re­gard­less of whether or not a file named LSTC_­FILE is found with the LS-DY­NA ex­e­cutable. We no longer rec­om­mend plac­ing LSTC_­FILE in '/­usr/­lo­cal/­lstc'.

NOTE: If the LSTC_­FILE en­vi­ron­ment vari­able is set to a file name, then $LSTC_FILE is used instead of any file named LSTC_FILE found with the LS-DYNA executable. We recommend that you not set the LSTC_FILE environment variable, unless absolutely necessary.

Set­ting the LSTC_­FILE en­vi­ron­ment vari­able may be nec­es­sary if, for some rea­son, LSTC_­FILE can­not be found when placed with the ex­e­cutable. Then you must set the LSTC_­FILE en­vi­ron­ment vari­able to the ab­solute path­name of the file LSTC_­FILE. This should not hap­pen un­der or­di­nary cir­cum­stances.

Accessing Network Licenses under Microsoft Windows

  1. Open the LS-DY­NA Man­ag­er Pro­gram
  2. Se­lect Set LS-DY­NA ENV. Vari­ables from the Env Vari­ables menu
  3. In the di­a­log that ap­pears, se­lect Net­work for the Li­cense Type
  4. Spec­i­fy the name of the ma­chine run­ning the LSTC Li­cense Serv­er (if the serv­er is run­ning on the lo­cal ma­chine, en­ter lo­cal­host in the Net­work Li­cense Man­ag­er field)

The gen­er­al for­mat for the Net­work Li­cense Man­ag­er field varies ac­cord­ing to the type of serv­er con­fig­u­ra­tion you have:

Prepos App For Macbook

Sin­gle Serv­er with De­fault Porthost_­or_­ip
Sin­gle Serv­er on Port 'port'port@host_­or_­ip
Re­dun­dant Serv­er with De­fault Ports(host_­or_­ip1 host_­or_­ip2 host_­or_­ip3)
Re­dun­dant Serv­er on Spec­i­fied Ports(port1@host_­or_­ip1 port2@host_­or_­ip2 port3@host_­or_­ip3)

Accessing Node-Locked Licenses under Unix/Linux/Solaris

If LS-DY­NA us­es a node-locked li­cense, then LS-DY­NA must be able to lo­cate the node-locked li­cense file. LS-DY­NA looks for a li­cense file in the fol­low­ing lo­ca­tions, and in the spec­i­fied or­der:

  1. A file spec­i­fied by the LSTC_­FILE en­vi­ron­ment vari­able.
  2. If $LSTC_FILE is not set, then LS-DYNA searches for /­usr/­lo­cal/­lstc/­LSTC_­FILE.
  3. If $LSTC_FILE is not set, and if /usr/local/lstc/LSTC_FILE does not exist, then LS-DYNA searches for a file named LSTC_­FILE in the di­rec­to­ry with the run­ning ex­e­cutable.